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Gallery Walls Display YOU

Gallery Walls Display YOU
Gallery Walls Display YOU

By CanvasChamp TeamApril, 17 2019August, 19 2021Comment

Typically consisting of three pieces or more, gallery walls are an excellent way to display a varied collection of your unique photo gifts.You may choose to group your canvases by color palette, subject matter, or size.Or you can throw caution to the wind and create an eclectic look.No matter your preference, gallery walls display the artwork that speaks about you.

Gallery Walls that Display You

Contrary to popular belief, a great piece of art is not unplanned. In fact, you should contemplate the best display options for your personalized photos on canvas. Solid, deliberate choices about layout enhance how your canvas prints present to the world. Most of that thought has to do with design.Is your space formal, classic, or maybe a little narrow? Here are some sample treatments that fit a variety of areas and tastes.

•   Grid: This familiar arrangement consists of identically sized and framed pieces hung with equal white space between each one.This configuration works well to accent a gallery of canvas prints with a cohesive subject, such as family events or travel photos.

•   Column: A vertical gallery of four to six photos is a beautiful solution for those cozy spaces next to a door or window.This layout provides a bit of structure without the precise fussiness of a grid configuration.

•   Classic Gallery: A classic gallery treatment consists of five to ten pieces of art grouped in a space.There is no constraint to size or placement, but usually includes a larger central focal point with related accents.

•  Salon: The most eclectic of layouts, with pieces of varying size running ceiling-to-floor without care for white space,the salson format is excellent for an ample blank space or a small nook.It is also a good choice if you are beginning to gather your Personalized canvas Prints collection and anticipate adding more pieces. Hang the top row along a horizontal line if you feel the need for just a tiny bit of structure.

•   Ledges: Lean three to five pieces together on a single shelf or hang two or more shelves to recreate the look of the layouts listed above.If you change out your art frequently or can’t bear to drive all those nails, ledges are a great compromise.

Want to know a quick and easy way to figure out if you’re happy with your display before you put all those holes in your wall? Throw it on the floor! Lay your art down, replicating the look you want on the wall.You get to see the actual pieces in place and have the chance to make revisions before you even drive a nail.

Wall Display

Gallery walls filled with your unique canvas prints bring color and style to your home. Regardless of how you display it, a grouping of your customized canvas art will impress and delight!

For an even easier way to create the perfect gallery wall, opt for one of CanvasChamp’s multicanvas wall displays.Select from our standard layouts of up to 10 canvases, or contact our design team with your own idea.Then upload your photos to create a stunning gallery wall display in a fraction of the time it would take to configure 10 separate canvases!