Turning Precious Graduation Moments on Canvas | Blog Series 4
One of the major steps in the beautiful journey of life is the high school/college graduation. It is perhaps the most important event in the life of a teenager (professionally speaking of course). It is the first important recognition in the life of any person of an achievement of years of hard work. It is the first time you are treated as an adult, and a time for being part of a big ceremony to celebrate your success.

Some of our most routine graduation prints are from proud parents getting a canvas print of their child’s graduation photo. These make for the best going away presents as well as their kids would then go off to college and there’s no coming back from that path for most of them. So a canvas print that they can put in their dorm room without being embarrassed by it (ask anyone who has received a hand knit sweater) is one of the ideal gifts to your kid on graduation.

Then there are some from the crazy graduation parties that are hosted every year across the country and we have had the chance to print some really memorable ones for our customers. One of these was a really beautiful water themed party and we were glad to print those on canvas.