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How Students Can Navigate Through Coronavirus

How Students Can Navigate Through Coronavirus
How Students Can Navigate Through Coronavirus

By CanvasChamp TeamMay, 11 2020August, 19 2021Comment

Professors, teachers, students, and almost anyone in the line of education everywhere are going through a huge transition of getting used to the online learning format to finish the rest of the school year. Hence, whether you are at home all alone, with your partner or the entire family, your studies will need some new adjustments to let you focus better on your academic education. To help students navigate their studies amid the pandemic of COVID-19, here are some tips to adapt your new lockdown lifestyle with new studying habits.

Online Learning Tips

Online Learning Tips

This new indefinite working from home and online classes might seem like a good break. But in reality, it requires a lot more self-control and self-discipline to keep up with the pace of self-learning as it is easy to get tempted to sleep in, stay in your pajamas or even skip out on online lectures. You can avoid academic mishaps by staying organized through the following few tips which will help you create better willpower against getting drawn to surfing social media and watching Netflix.

Know Your Online Tools

Since technology might vary from school to school, you should start off getting comfortable with whichever tool your professors hand you to get going for your classes. Familiarize yourself with Zoom, Google Hangouts, Skype, etc., by going through their technical formalities on how to set up and be online present for your classes. Check out tutorials for the same to help you be a step ahead.

Engage In Good Communication

This is the best time to finally engage yourself with professors. If you have been shy to communicate in person with your teachers all this time, you can start off coming around it by getting an opportunity to become transparent about your personal needs or limitations for online learning. Teachers and professors across the globe just became better listeners due to online classes now so make use of this time to practice polite and good communication.

Stay Organized

Try to manage a monthly planner and schedule your work on assignments. You can create a desk calendar to deal with time management and get to schedule your new online classes to stay on track.

Eliminate Distractions

You will need to sit with a DND mode from now on to focus on your tasks of studying and also during the classes. Before, during physical classes, it used to take an effort to keep your mind entertained while the class seemed boring. Now, since you would be at home, if you found a class boring, you would simply fish out your phone and surf social media which will, in turn, shut your mind off completely from the class. Hence, close any irrelevant tabs on your computer and put your phone on Do Not Disturb Mode while studying or attending classes online. If you have been living with other people in your home then you need to clearly communicate on what hours you are not supposed to be disturbed.

Create Virtual Study Groups

Studying all alone might seem foreign to you if you are too habituated with group studies. You can still do it through scheduled video chats or study meetings that you can conduct with your friends and classmates.
Establish A Functional Work Space

Create Virtual Study Group

Since most of us do not have a designated workspace, we usually end up studying at the dining table, living room sofa, or even on the bed. This hinders your focus and productivity subconsciously if you keep changing places to work. Instead, designate one area of the house to keep it as your workspace where you won’t be disturbed often. Make the space more official by putting up all your office supplies, wall calendars, and even post-it notes to help you keep that workspace organized.

Create A Routine

You need to create a daily routine just the way you had one while you went to physical classes. Decide on a wake-up time, sleeping time, class time, leisure time, etc., to endow a good habit for yourself. You can even take up other classes of your hobby in your free time and put the timings accordingly on a poster calendar where you can check out what comes after what every day until it sets in your mind. Take care of yourself physically and mentally during these times of quarantine.

Closing Thoughts

With a lot of uncertain times, your ability to adapt to new ways of self-discipline and pushing onward will pay off eventually. Stay productive for yourself as much as possible and use these tips to control your uncertain future.